Men's Skeet Shoot

6/29/2023 @ 12:00 PM | Men's Skeet Shoot
Bring your shot gun and a side or dessert. Burgers and Hot Dogs will be provided.
26511 Road L
Cortez, CO 81321
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Skeet Shoot Rules:

For all shooters

  • All weapons will remain in the staging area unloaded with action open until time for the shooter to go to the firing line

  • All weapons will be loaded at the firing line

  • Shoot only from the firing line and respect the rights of others.

  • Do not point any weapon at anyone whether the weapon is loaded or unloaded (must be pointed in a safe direction at all times).

  • Be sure of your target and what is beyond.

  • After shooting, weapon shall be unloaded with the action open and must be declared “clear” by the range officer (target thrower) before returning it to the staging area.

Adult Competition

  • Participants must be 18 or older in age

  • Must shoot at least a number 7-1/2 (1-1/8 ounce) shot shell.

  • Each contestant will be given seven shots.

  • Automatic launches and pull launchers will be used for the competition.

  • The contestants with the highest shot counts will advance to the next round.

  • In the case of a close tie, there will be a shoot-off where each contestant alternates shooting until one misses. (If necessary, doubles will be thrown until a winner is decided.)

  • A consolation bracket will be run for those who do not advance past the first round.

  • All calls made by the Range Master (The man launching the skeet at each station) will be final.

Junior Competition

  • Participants must be 17 or younger in age

  • While the minor is firing or handling a firearm, the parent or guardian shall stay within the immediate area and shall not fire or handle another firearm.

  • Must shoot at least a number 7-1/2 (1-1/8 ounce) shot shell.

  • Each shoot will be given five shots.

  • The contestants with the highest shot counts will advance to the next round.

  • In the case of a tie, there will be a shoot-off where each shooter alternates until one misses. (If necessary, doubles will be thrown until a champion is decided.)



6/29/2023 @ 12:00 PM
Men's Skeet Shoot
Bring your shot gun and a side or dessert. Burgers and Hot Dogs will be provided.
26511 Road L
Cortez, CO 81321