Small Group Registration
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Legacy Builders - Sunday 9:30AM- Leaders: Paynes
Narrow Path - Sunday 9:30AM - Leaders: Roggenbacks
Redeemed - Sunday 9:30AM - Young Adult Age - Leaders: Bakers
Son Seekers - Tuesdays 6:30PM- On Zoom - Leader: Brother Don Wilson
Whosoever - Tuesday 6:00PM- Leaders: Sparks
Pathfinders - Wednesday 6:00PM- College and Career Age - Leaders: Jordans
True North - Tuesday 6:30PM- Young Family Age - Leaders: Pastor and Ms Emily
Wisdom Seekers - Thursday 5:00PM- Leaders: McHenrys
Bereans - Wednesday 11:00am - Leaders: Pastor
Common Grounds - Thursdays 10:00AM - Leader: Emily Burkett
Unashamed - Thursdays 6:30PM - Adult Age -Leaders: Gholsons
Life Changers - Tuesday 6:30PM - Adult Age -Leaders: Applegates
Stepping Into Purpose - Mondays 6:00PM- Young Adult Age - Leaders: Shepherds
We will send this information to the respective leaders, and they will reach out to you soon!
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